Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Shoot Day Footage - Similar Products?

Snatch Opening Sequence

We took a lot of our shots on the shoot day on a 
CCTV screen from the DIY shop. It was completely 
spontaneous in that aspect, we just saw it and 
liked it. It let us decide whether our original idea
was good enough once we got shots like this, so 
we will just have to see in the editing room. 
Snatches opening sequence takes the use of Security 
Camera footage to follow the subjects through a 
building right before they preform a bank robbery. 
Our new idea would probably be about our girl being 
watched and followed, we should decide this when
it comes to editing. We will try out our old 
ideas and if it is not good enough then we will explore
the thought that our main girl is in fact a VICTIM.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Story Board Draft 3

Account of Shot Day

So much planning went into the day before our shoot day! I honestly got a little anxious, just to be ready to not mess it up and get everything we needed. Lots of changes have came up through our project so it got stressful, but I suppose it was all down to creative decisions. This phone call, the day before stressed us out, as you can see on my face, the guys at the shop acted clueless to us coming, but finally the manager confirmed it, THANK YOU! We were scheduled at their most quiet hours during the day not to disturb their customers.

We had to make sure our lead actress was completely free to be in our project. We informed all her teachers that she would not be there because of her participation. All teachers said she was free to continue, this was to our relief.

The morning involved getting everything loaded in the mini van, with the help of some men considering we were a group of three girls, although we could have handled it. 

Reigate where the DIY store is, was around 30 minutes away from our campus. We drove in the mini van. When we drove up right outside we had to get our actress ready. Phoebe and I made sure that Flora (actress) was ready for shooting. We went for the typical housewife look, a bun hair style, simple classic makeup. The outfit was simply a flower patterned velvet shirt, black leggings and pointed heels. 
While we got her prepped, Imogen went in to scout our location once again to check everything perfect.  

Everything by this time seemed to go as planned. Going into the location we went up stairs to look around where we could film. Then we came to a conclusion. Everything in the shop was more home utilities and ornaments than a full DIY super store. This locked us on idea, to approach our character coming into the shop to look for the ordinary things that house wife would love, oven mits, candles and mugs with quotes. We thought if we showed her acknowledging all of these things then the audience would think of a house wife just shopping. Then through out we would show little signs and clues that she was not just any ordinary loving wife caring for her home. These subtle signs included mug that we shot her looking at that had "The best man for the job is a women". This was perfect for our idea and got us a little excited about shooting it because it was slightly intelligent, we kind of all thought we were Stanley Kubrick for a second. 

So to change mood we shot her going into this small room in the shop that was just full of heavy tools such as an axe, shovel and a sledge hammer. By shooting her in there after her walking around looking at domestic shopping we just knew that her in this room would change the dynamic in the final product.

At the end we shot her picking up bin bags and bleach, all the things to cover up a murder. Finally when we thought we were done we caught our eyes on a large CCTV television in the corner of the shop. This was in fact our last spontaneous decision of the day. We knew that this would look visually interesting. We got our actress to walk around the shop again to we could capture her on the footage.

Shooting Schedule

1.00 pm - Pack Van 
1.50 pm - leave campus
2.30 pm - arrive in reigate
2.30-2.45 - Get actress ready
2.45 - set up camera’s


-Flora walking into 2nd floor room
-Smelling the candles
-Holding the oven mits
-filming her with mug
-filming her with sharp weapon
-into other room with weed killer
-enters small room with big weapons
-all shots of actress in with the weapons


-Shot of all appliances being picked up to kill a man
-Taking shots on the CCTV camera screen.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Scouting Our Location

Today we were looking at our location for the 
first time before shooting. This was quite nerve 
racking for our team, because of the worry that the
DIY shop will not be big enough. 

The shed has 3 floors, and all of them have potential
to be used. The size of the rooms are fine, but after
seeing the rooms I have planned to change our idea
slightly. The second floor is filled with nice feminine
home equipment and nicknacks. Such as candles and 
mug, towels, oven mits etc. This had to change our
idea because we were in fact expecting a large American 
styled DIY store. This is not what we

 Phoebe and I scouting

First floor, front door. 

Adam our media teacher on the scout. 
He was impressed with the location.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Confirming the location

This was to confirm what exactly we were going to in our Media Shoot, just to see that everything with the location was confirmed. Enjoy me looking terrified when the shop guys acted clueless. Finally, they told me that it was all fine and the hours best to come in.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

New Location

The only location that in fact gave us a shot. I am hoping the size of the Shed will not be disappointing because originally we did want somewhere which was more the size of a B&Q or a Wicks. We need to scout the location before hand, just to confirm that it is going to be alright for our shoot. 

Our Chosen Actress

Flora Slater

  • She is in the age gap of 18-20 year old. 
  • She is blonde.
  • Slim.
  • Naturally pretty.
  • Gracious.
  • Ladylike.
  • Blue eyes, the perfect Blonde. 

Changing The Idea! DIY store?

After a little holiday I came back with a fresh out look on our idea. Instead of having our main actress in an actual kitchen with her husband there, we could show her preparing for it. My first reaction to this thought was having our female at a large DIY shop. Here she would be walking through the isles, dressed like a respectable housewife. She will walk around the isles and pick up all different murder weapons and things that she need to pull off her husbands number. 
We will still have our script, as it will help the audience understand the the story, this will be non-diegetic sound because it will be her thoughts out loud.

What kind of DIY store I have in mind:

A Walmart type of place, big isles

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Phoebe and Kai on the Phone

It took us a good amount of effort to fully get the courage to call all these places, but when we started we got used to it. Most of the people did not understand a word I was saying, but oh well. All that effort does not bother me because...