Thursday 11 September 2014

Introduction to MEEEEE

I have a great love for photography and 
film making ever since I was a little girl.

Hello there. Well, I'll start with a formal introduction. My names Kai and basically I am a Media Student at Hurtwood House School in Guilford, Surrey. My new school is completely based on the arts, which is what I believe my calling in life. Since a young age I have always been very interested in acting, it has always been a passion of mine. When I was the age of 10, I got my first laptop which had an editing software. This is where my love for film and making it came. To be honest, I aspire to do anything that involves the camera, from being in front of it, at its side calling the shots, or behind editing it intake.

Last year I took the Art and Design exam for Cambridge. I completely based my exam on media. I made a short film and a graphics. I achieved an A*.

My favorite directors probably come down to Quentin Tarantino, Guy Richie, Michael Haneke and definitely Stanley Kubrick. As you can see by these choices I prefer the darker movies, ones that have the best stories and are directed very personally with a distinctive style. When it comes to film I really love ones like The Usual Suspects, Clockwork Orange. TV shows always come to The Sopranos and The New Detective. The cinematography, music and story lines are in my eyes are so well done.

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