Sunday 22 March 2015

Evaluation Task 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product? 

Annotating our youtube video 

We wanted to show exactly what we learned with the use of technology very accurately. This is perfect because every part where we learned something that we think that was useful, we annotated it with a description of what we learned.

Evaluation Task 5

Evaluation Task 4: Video

Who would be the audience for your Media product?

This is our audience in a video. We did a survey of people in the boarding house as a group to really show what type of audience we imagine that would be able to watch our movie.

Monday 16 March 2015

Evaluation Task 4

Q: Who would be the audience for 
your media product?

Well our audience would have to have quit a thick skin. A lot of the movies that could be like our film on a large scale. Most of them have their main 'villain' as someone who wants to ruin the protagonists life. 

A lot of the films below are very hard hitting, I understand that, but there is a large fan base of people who like films like this, I am one of them to be sure. This means that age group of people that would watch our film would definitely have to be over 16. To really include some of the sick stuff in films is usually 18, but I think 16 - 28 is the perfect age group for people who are still young and can tolerate films like this, and then 
people whom are old enough to watch it.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Evaluation Task 3

What kind of Institution would be most suitable for producing your product?

Our film, as a whole, would be quite edgy. This is why we have decided to make our film an 18. It will involve possibly all the x-rated things. This means we will need quite a relaxed Production company. One that is possibly independent, or having a reputation for doing films that shock the audience. Hopefully in this company they have their own type of audience that likes these kind of films. Most production companies are worried on what they support incase they do not want to loose credibility with the product created. Our film needs a company that is quite edgy. 


If we made our product more British based, I think Warp Films would be perfect. They focus on films that shock their audience, they are real and raw. 

Examples :

        This is England



They are quirky, British, and amazing to watch. I love all 
three of these films and a lot of the films that Warp make. 
Our film could be very well respected and would suite warp. 
Warp takes chances and leaps when it comes to film making
and that is what we want to do with our product. Warp is not
scared to incorporate violence in their films either so that would
not be a worry of ours.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Evaluation Task 2 Social Groups of our Charcater

· Evaluation Task 2
Q: How does your product represent particular social groups?
Choose one or two specific groups to analyze and find a screen grab of each one to illustrate. Write a brief analysis of how you’ve chosen to represent the group (s), accompanied by some illustration of representations from real media products.

Our actor, Flora Slater is blonde, pretty but has an edge. She has quite an intimidating look about her, making her connect to the character, 'sexy but dangerous'. 
Other Characters in films that have this appeal :

"Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints."

We wanted to take our once feisty and sexy blonde, to someone who is more likely to get murdered. This is just the direction of the editing, it looked better in this perspective.
She is now a victim.

Friday 13 March 2015

Evaluation Task 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Similar Products To Our Final Work - The Human Centipede 2

This second film is based on a fan of the first film who wants to in fact recreate the movie. It is a very difficult film at that too watch. We would not make the outcome of our film this brutal, but the whole film is about a low life security guard. The only thing he really cares about is recreating the human centipede with a lot of people. His character is exactly what we imagine to be in our thriller, sleazy, nasty and no life. By giving him as an example it gives us an idea what kind of person is watching our subject.

Monday 9 March 2015

Editing Process

From the 23rd - 27th February we had a lesson everyday to edit the footage shot for our opening sequence. 

To edit we used Premiere Pro. Using this software was great because it gave us the chance to make a really professional edit. We could manipulate the sound, add special effects and just make our opening sequence its best in this software. I really enjoyed being able to edit all of our clips.

We created a file called rushes which contained all the footage took on the day. Looking all through our shots, some of the hand held ones seemed to slightly unstable, there was too much of a camera shake, ruining them. Some of the shots that were created had some errors, for example our   actress (Flora Slater) would look into the camera at unexpected times. This would ruin our shot so we decided to cut them. This left us with few shots, though they were good, the shots left would not really help our story line so we had to think fast. 

This brought us to decide on what we were going to do to save our project.

Original Plan + Not Working = New Plan

Our first idea included having all the security camera footage to link to someone watching our female character. This grew into a video of a stalker watching the girl. We decided to make the opening sequence a lot more spooky than we anticipated. 

Using the look of 'White Noise' its made the watcher looking like some sort of security guard. We constructed this effect by ourselves in photoshop creating a template for the lines. The shots were then given a much colder colour.

We moved further into our other normal camera shots. This created the atmosphere that someone was purposely watching the girl.