Sunday 15 March 2015

Evaluation Task 3

What kind of Institution would be most suitable for producing your product?

Our film, as a whole, would be quite edgy. This is why we have decided to make our film an 18. It will involve possibly all the x-rated things. This means we will need quite a relaxed Production company. One that is possibly independent, or having a reputation for doing films that shock the audience. Hopefully in this company they have their own type of audience that likes these kind of films. Most production companies are worried on what they support incase they do not want to loose credibility with the product created. Our film needs a company that is quite edgy. 


If we made our product more British based, I think Warp Films would be perfect. They focus on films that shock their audience, they are real and raw. 

Examples :

        This is England



They are quirky, British, and amazing to watch. I love all 
three of these films and a lot of the films that Warp make. 
Our film could be very well respected and would suite warp. 
Warp takes chances and leaps when it comes to film making
and that is what we want to do with our product. Warp is not
scared to incorporate violence in their films either so that would
not be a worry of ours.

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