Thursday 30 October 2014

My Group has been decided

Our group was put together randomly and it finally worked out well. Although you could possibly be put with someone you do not see eye to eye with, thats how the movie business works. You do not work with your friends in the real world in most situations, so we all knew we had to just suck it up and deal with it. 

My two new partners?

Imogen, bubbly and kind. She has a lot idea's. I am sure she will be confident with creating everything together when it comes to the acting and camera work she knows what she is talking about. I will really enjoy working with her, hopefully we see eye to eye. 

Phoebe, great at drawing so she is going to all over those story boards. A like Immy, Phoebe has a lot of ideas so I hope that we will get on very well and we can come to a final decision on our idea together quickly and sufficiently.

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