Thursday 11 June 2015

Women being sexualised in videos

Videos often sexualise women. I have been looking into this further, this is a sort of way in order for the video to more popular with viewers and also for the performers to look 'cool'.

This video is the one which is censored. The one that is uncensored has the three girls completely topless, wearing only flesh pants and dancing around provocatively. I believe that women should have their own decisions on whether to do something like this but because there is 3 fully clothed men being danced on and speaking sexually in the lyrics it ruins the idea that this is their independant idea. It shows men, drooling over young naked women and is just very derogative to women considering they are only looked in a very sexual way. For doing this it will give the girl in the videos a bad name but the men artists will be praised.

I am a very big fan of the Notorios B.I.G but I have to admit that his videos are very bad in the way of sexualising women. His rap its self is very explicit, especially in this video considering it is talking about sex. One of the lines is especially 'I see some women tonight that should be having my baby'. Women in this video are trophies as they are in most rap video's.

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