Tuesday 9 February 2016

What have I learnt from my audience feedback (Evaluation Task 3)

Focal Group Video

Initial Thoughts

This video here is a collection of video's of our group holding the focal group all together. We decided to of course incorporate the theme red in the interviews as it is a large theme of our work and wanted our audience to really understand all of our decisions. This focal group had a lot of advantages as it did help us see the reactions to our work on the Digi-Pack, Website and Video alone and all together as one big campaign. 

We decided to not have one large group as it could not have a variety of answers. With a small group there would be more of a chance of both participants really contributing. It would give us more of a chance to hear criticisms because it is then a more intimate vibe and feel in the room, making it easier to speak up about their real thoughts. This also mean't I had a lot of variety of opinion from all sets. We also decided to have one boy and girl set so that there would be a mix and hopefully more room to discuss because in this case they were not close friends and were picked at random. This mean't that they would disagree with each other and I believe at times this came across. 

The views and responses we received from doing this video I feel at times were very successful. One of our questions was what the star image of our star, Fredo Fahrenheit was. This came with many of the same answers, ones that we wanted to hear. He was related to being a very relaxed, chilled out, SoundCloud artist, does not care if he makes it is more about music and of course a ladies man. When creating the image of Fredo Fahrenheit in our digi-pack, website and video we wanted all of these themes of his character to come through. This focal group was a sign of all our work into creating this artist had payed off and really reflects in our work. 

Genre Choices Discussed by Focal Group

This is a chart that I made to separate the guesses that the participants made on what the genre was. I had to give some genre's more guesses than other so it will not come to the equal number of ten, the amount of people that were interviewed. Most interviewed people used two choices to put across the point that they were making in order to convey what the were talking. I believe this was because Alternative R&B is not a largely recognised genre by the masses so it make's sense that a lot of the participants do not pick that as a choice and us other genres mixed together to explain 'Alternative R&B'. I believe we had a very successful response in this part of our Focal group there was a great understanding that there were aspects of R&B, hip hop, rap etc but it had something alternative about it, not completely commercial. 

Feedback Throughout 
Making of Products


These screenshots are from my blog when we as a group were going to pitch our idea to Luke and then we decided to show him this in a powerpoint in order to visually explain our idea so there would be more of an understanding. This pitch was a little bit of a disaster as Luke did not really understand these ideas and in fact said we had to come a re-pitch to him. 


Here is the Feedback that we received from our first pitch of our two video’s and what we did in order to improve our ideas for a new pitch. We wanted to have a second go and pitching our ideas to Luke because we believed that everything that was said because there was not a clear explanation of our idea’s. We felt very passionate about our idea’s so I wrote a list of what each of us in the group would be working on when re-creating our pitch for Luke. 


This was a very important piece of feedback for our video because it shot down one of the main elements of our video because ‘water’ would be very difficult to work with. This then made us a group start to really think of what we were going to do with our video and what other elements our video should have in order to not make it repetitive but interesting. Also the point of saying we need more performing elements, at  the time we could not really think of many things but this in the end was a large piece of our video as we started using the studio shots with him lit completely in red. 


This here was after pitching all of my three idea’s to my class. This blog post involves me discussing what the loved and what the did not think worked and what I could improve upon. This was a very useful blog post as when I was put into my group I knew what were the strongest idea’s to put forward to my group for possibly using further. 


These two blogposts are about us as a group discussing our album artwork idea's. The feedback was used in a video form from youtube witch involved us all talking about each others designs. This was after each of us previewed our idea to the group, pitching our idea giving all the reasons why it was a good idea. We used a video in order for it to be visual and also to record our initial thought and reactions to each others plans.


Finding out what our audience is thinking is very important as we now know the key things that work and also the weaknesses in our campaign from a buyers point of view. This focal group has allowed us to understand that in fact our whole campaign does come together and works very well in that sense from the feedback. If there were drastic problems with it all our it could of helped improve all the large problems. This video is a summary of of ten people all in the same age category 17-19. This falls under our target audience. To have documented footage of audience members from both genders and have them agree that our campaign works well then we know that we would hopefully have sales because of this. 

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