Monday 3 November 2014

Saul Bass? Legend of Legends

Saul Bass, like Kyle Cooper was a graphic design artist. His work was at full boom in the 1960's and 1950's. Now he is so well respected and his style has been used and inspired many in such opening sequences such as 'Catch me if you can'.

Saul Bass has worked on big films such as Alfred Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' and Otto Preminger's 'Man with the Golden Arm'. Both opening sequences are very art based. His visions as I have notices use bold colors such a reds and oranges, purples and blacks etc. 

I could talk all about what Saul Bass has done but my favorite peace of Bass's work, which is the opening credits of 'Good fellas' by Martin Scorsese. The opening title sequence was very simple, as in it only used a black background and white writing, until the end of the sequence. I was very curious on whether Saul Bass's outlook on the opening sequence was included in Martin Scorcese

He designed for Alfred Hitchcock, and did his opening
sequence even though Hitchcock did not give him any
credit for his work. 

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