Monday 15 December 2014

Rough Cut AS Opening Sequence.

With an hour to do this, us as a group were quite happy with how this went. It really explains our ideas.

The Actors

We picked two random actors to start processing our idea's. They were reasonably good to express our ideas. Our actors that we will pick were not in this age range with these actors, accept possibly the girl whom will be around the ages of 17-18. The man however will be a middle aged man. Looking at two young people demonstrating did make me question whether I wanted them both young, but with the Man character being older, it gives a much stronger sense of maturity in our story. Our rough shoot made us realize this. 


This came together when I edited this rough cut, it gave a better essence to the scene, made it more daring with her dialogue. The blue's is so truthful and a powerful category of music, very emotional, so after using it here we have to decide if music is a further possibility in our Opening Sequence. The choices would have to be, as we discussed this in our group, will be between the blues and classical music. The question whether it will be diegetic or non-diegetic is still there.


For this, we used the simple and accessible iMovie. Throughout the editing process we noticed that the sequence was not exactly the way we designed our storyboard, but we would really like to stick to our original thoughts but also add things that we noticed in the rough cut. Such as there need's to be more shots of him eating, while she is thinking about him, so this show's her hatred for her 'husband'. 

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