Tuesday 29 September 2015

Audience Feedback

The people that will listen to our artist music will be of a young generation of 18-28 years olds, mostly students. When discussing the VALS I realised that some of the age group would be involved in the teenage VALS. For this I decided that they would be rebels, innovators and cynics. Cynics are people who have something to complain about which connects to the song because the lyrics discuss a troubled young relationship in a passionate young love outlook. The video will be created in a very artistic way with a different outlook to a simple situation so this connects to rebels considering they want to see the world in a different way, with our video giving young people like this inspiration to create anything that expresses themselves. Innovators main aim is to make their own mark which is exactly our artist wants to do by speaking about very upsetting things such as killing himself and falling in love, he grabs their attention because they love controversy. It works very well for all three as well because the video then sells sex as its main image. This would be attractive to teenagers that possessed these certain VALs. 
The VALs that the rest of our listeners would posses would definitely be experiencers. The narrative behind our artist lyrics discuss things that are straight from raw experience of life. This would then have an immediate connection from most of the listeners whom have felt the same pain as our artist. The other VAL would be believers. You to connect to the artists music and our video fans will need to believe in the struggle of being young and expressing yourself through music about troubled times. 
Treating the fan base with another method such JICNARS the target audience, keeping in mind that they will be mostly students, it will between E and D category. This means that they will not have a lot of money possibly and will be dependant on parents, and working part time jobs. Although the C category also works well because our age range goes to the late twenties as well meaning they could have their own steady jobs. 
Our ideal style of fan would wear clothes that go with the trends such as Stone Island, supreme, acne etc. These brands are seen as very trendy in fashion and youthful. The other artist that they will probably have in common will possibly be people like FKA twigs, and rappers such as Travis Scott. Both these being very artistic and cool artist at this time today. 


This is our first draft as timeline for our video idea. Thinking about the timing was difficult to be so accurate considering we want to make the song a lot shorter. This is something we need to discuss further on whether we take a verse out of his song or just plain music. 

Lucas made a video to make it easier to view :

Audience Profiling Moodboard

From what I pictured this is what I created and stuck together.

Monday 28 September 2015

The Dancing Style

Sexy, sexy is key. I have been put in charge of the dance style she performs in the room. I am going give a few examples of what we are possibly looking for. The name of the type of dancing she will do will probably be jazz or burlesque.
I have put a few video's up of what I imagine she will be doing.

Her dance movement will begin with her swaying on the bed, then on instrumental side of it she will start her dance routine around the room. Half way through she will move closer to his chair.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Understanding Audience Profiling

Defining the Audience

It is a way of knowing who your audience is and breaking them down. So that you know about your audience. It will help institution segment them.  It can be achieved both demographically and psychographically. 

Demographically Segmented

- An audience being cut according to social criteria (gender, class,   race, sexuality)
- Most popular approach : JICNARS

A - higher management/ administration/ professional
B - middle management/ administration/ professional
C1 - supervisory/ clerical/ junior/ management
C2 - skilled manual
D - semi and unskilled manual
E - subsistence income/ pensioners/ widows/ casual labour/ unemployed. 

It is going with the majority, obviously it does not apply to everyone. This helps because of song content (so they can relate, e.g Eminem would relate to the E and D category as a majority), also the amount of money coming in (for example the children in E category will pay for children's album.)

VALS (psychological profiling)

A lot of different sections :




Wednesday 23 September 2015

Success With Re-Pitching

Our Presentation

Success! They like the changes we have made to the idea, but there are still things we have to work on. Here is video of us re-pitching the idea to Mike and Luke.

Luke's Feedback

  • The water will be much more hassle than it is worth for only two shots. After discussing this with the group we realised it would also be very annoying considering it would make our dancer wet, our artist wet and our set wet.
  • We need more performance elements by re-using the corridor. But we can not use the corridor shots throughout the video if our artist enters the room. This means that we might need to make the artist separate from the man in the room with the girl. First thoughts, we want to still have our performer as the man in the room,  but by making the man in the room mysterious we could then at the end of the music video un vale that it is in fact our artist with the girl. 

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Re-Pitching Our First Idea


We realised after pitching our first idea we definitely did not get the feedback what we wanted, which is fine, but we love our idea so much that we are going to re-pitch it, taking on all the feedback and making the changes.

Group Meeting

After a long group meeting we saw the reason in the needing for change to our idea. There was not many performance elements with our main man singing, where Luke suggested that he was not even needed in the video! Which cannot happen, its important we have our artist in the video singing the song. So we decided to keep the walking in the street evidently but as a much smaller piece in the video, more as an entrance. This will then cut to the artist walking through a strong lit corridor (red). During this time he will lip syncing to the song. 

Following this, he then opens the door to a red lit room with a bed in it. Sat on the bed it is our dancer.

Feedback from Pitch

  • The first bit of feedback given that the female was much more interesting. Yes we are going to use more on her, but I really still feel strongly about having a female character.
  • No point doing slow motion because there need to be a lot of movement. Possibly make his performance more animated or change the thought of using slow motion.
  • The guy seems slightly out of place although it is all about him, apparently the stuff with the female if much more interesting. Have him as a smaller element in the room.
  • Given the way we will have to shoot it, this means we will have to choreograph a dance, dancer will need this to use it continuously for continuity.Need to have a style and think it right through. Female might need to be a bigger element in the video. Also we need to find a pro dancer.
  • Loved the water floor. Use this and incorporate it in the dance.
  • The street is not going to look like the street we imagine. We may need to cut the idea of the street.
  • Good song choice. 
  • We need a third element, it is too short needs something more. Have a meeting and make more stuff.

What are we going to do?

  1. Develop the performance element. LUCAS
  2. We need to now consider what dance we are going to have, and what goes on in that room. KAI
  3. A third element/how to incorporate. GUSTAVO

Monday 21 September 2015


Group Photo's

Our first meeting of us discussing on what idea's we were going to choose was very interesting. For our first idea I successfully combined my vision of having a female dancer in the video against strong lighting.  Lucas, a member of my group, had two strong visual idea's in which we choose to put forward to Luke in our pitch. 

First Idea

Song : Without U

Artist : Spooky Black

The Story :

A short story of how the artist travels to a girl in a red lit bedroom. It will show him floating through the streets while he sings the song emotionless. Instead of walking normally it will look like he is floating to give a 'trippy' effect to the video. Throughout the girl will be provocatively dancing around the room for his pleasure. 

Pitch Powerpoint

Second Idea

Song : Pure Luxury

Artist : Tyga

Story :

Lucas wants to create stereotypical rap video, involving a rapper and his gang trashing up a street, fire, an abandoned car park and a mosh pit. 

I raised a few problems with  this idea. The main one was the fact to pull of a rap video with violence is that everyone in the video has to be intimidating. With this in mind I do not think it is possible to do this with a bunch of young boys from our school. It would just end up looking like a parody. So we decided to just have the rapper alone in the car park and only use the group in the mosh pit because their faces will be covered through it.

So after this we came up with the full finished product for the pitch. The rapper will be walking around an empty car park performing his song alone, dressed in black. He will get angrier and angrier as song goes on and the mosh pit will begin. The climax of his anger will be him setting a rag in a bottle on fire. It will be all about intimidation. 

Pitch Powerpoint

Sunday 20 September 2015


Well it is very evident I want to use glitter and dancing in my all over look on my feedback. When I am put in my group I hope I can enforce the idea of using contemporary forms of dance to rap music, making a juxtaposition. 
I have a very artistic approach on what I want the music video to be, making it quirky and a little unusual, so I hope in the end up of everything I can lay this as a theme.

Tuesday 15 September 2015


Hell of a Night Campaign

The feedback was more positive than negative for my idea. The dancers in my video idea was just that I needed a second element, something to add to the video. The rapper performing and the girl dancing was not enough to have a strong idea.
Apart from this the everyone thought it was visually exciting and interesting.

I videoed one of my feed back questions.

Until We Bleed Campaign

What they loved:

  • Two people running to one another, a lovely narrative.
  • The idea of plants being used with water in the studio with colourful lighting.
  • How the song has the sounds of water and by using water it would tie in nicely.
What they were not sure about:

  • The idea of a band was strange because there was not clear instruments used in the song, and it would be stronger with one solo artist.
  • The idea of using water is unlikely because it would be difficult to work with around all the technology. It is a liability considering you cannot completely control water as well (it would not always do what I wanted it to do)
  • The idea of two lovers running together might be a little cheesy if not done properly. Also the idea of corn fields and running through fields to find each other would be hard to shoot because it is quite an 'American' influenced idea. Reason being, we could not get access to a corn field as easily because it is all private land.
Toxic Campaign

What they loved:

  • The idea of using a girl and glitter working with the beat of the song. Eliza gave me an idea of placing glitter on speakers, so the glitter would bounce to the beat.

What they were not sure about:

  • How the girl in this was similar to the Hell of a Night campaign. I realised this while pitching that I was very stuck on the idea of using girl covered in glitter and using contemporary ballet. I see how this does not work because its almost like I was struggling for another idea, but I genuinely just liked the idea of glitter.
  • There was not much supporting my idea, and while pitching I noticed there was nothing strong about it.

Toxic Campaign

Toxic Mood Board 


Sunday 13 September 2015

Until We Bleed Campaign

Digi-Pack Mood Board

Pinterest Board

Because a lot of my idea's to this video involved plants and water, I wanted to keep this theme through the digi-pack. I looked for pictures that incorporated drowning.

Pictures of plants and keyboards were the main idea's 
I had when it came to the other parts of the digi-pack. 
This will show that the artist is raw of talent 
and is 'natural'.

The drowning idea came with the thought of having 
a shot of the artist drowning in water. Also another
vision is having them in a bath fully clothed. This
would show that they are quite reckless, which is 
seemed as cool.


Hell of a Night Campaign

Digi-Pack Mood Board

The artist Jackson Pollock is one of the inspirations that I have had when plotting idea's on what this artist's album would look like. His work is very abstract and I want to explore this when coming up for idea's for the cover. Reason being I see the video itself being quite abstract and artistic. 

Pinterest Board Inspiration?

This was the kind of things that I found most interesting when 
steaming off the idea of abstract. The painting of the women with
distorted faces really immediately caught my eye. I would like 
to do something like this but with the artist face possibly. Immediately it would make him quite mysterious not showing his full identity. The other abstract pieces would be used throughout other parts of the digi-pack and let the face painting be the album cover.


This is the website design that I have drafted together. I used the
app WIX which I found easy to use. I wanted to go for an urban
kind of once again 'mysterious' feel to what I wanted my artist
to be portrayed like. I used pictures from Kayne West's tour and some abstract art. By using the photo of the NYC subway, it made the artist seem like he was from the 'hood' and from the streets like an original rap artist.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

3 Music Video Idea's

Music Idea 1

I love this track, it is one of my favourite songs to listen too. It is quirky and trendy, which means a video which matches these themes (exactly what I want to do). There is a lot of different sections of the song, from heavy rap, to a cool under beat and then to the capturing first 10 seconds. 

The Artist Vision? 

My artist for this song would be a rapper, someone who is under ground, really music orientated and alternative. This means he would appeal to younger crowds from ages from 17-30. My main aim would be to make him 'cool', that kind of cool that he is not trying to act cool. 
His E.P and website would be minimalistic, almost to say that he is a stripped back artist. 

Examples : 

Kayne West as an artist in some ways is a good example of an artist. Although, the artist I would present would not be as high maintenance and so it the spotlight. He will be for a much more alternative and underground audience. I love this album cover because it is stripped back and dynamic. 

The Music Video Vision

This video will have black and white as its main colour scheme, and a lot of use of silhouettes. A white bright backdrop and the people in the video will be blacked out, focussing on the shapes and composition of every shot. This will be really cool to use in dance parts.  

It will be very stylised and all  in the studio. 

As I said before I want to have a video which involves a dancer. So what I imagine is a girl dancer in the video, she will be covered in glitter body paint. Here is a few examples of the kind of lighting and the glitter body paint I imagine = 

Examples of body paint for the main girl.The photograph on the right is a little over exaggerated but it does give you the idea. The left photograph is mostly what I would want to be going for. This would be mostly used in the start of the song with the female voice coming through. I picture a girl with a really capturing and beautiful face. 

Shots of the main artist will show him walking round the studio against a stronger white background than this example from Drake ft Rihanna's Take Care of You video. I love how this video just has shots of Drake walking around reciting the lyrics. This is simple but still looks cool. 

Music Idea 2

This song is very technical but a very quirky version of Britney's original version of Toxic. Its is different and quirky version of the song considering it is a remix as well. 

The Artist Vision? 

I want a trendy young artist, female, with a particular look. I imagine her to be edgy with clothing choices, very colourful. Almost like the very original FKA Twigs. She has her own look and a dynamic type of music. Also she is not crazily in the spotlight so it works well. This artist does not make music to sell to the masses but she sells it for a young artistic audience, like FKA Twigs.

The Music Video Vision

I imagine this video will use a shoot by a lake or some sort of outdoor area where there is water. This will include shots of the girl with wet hair, this will give her a stripped back look, and will work if she is naturally beautiful.

Also studio work will involve her in a bath filled with glitter, throughout the video she will through it all over the place. This is an idea from Rihanna's Stay video, I love the shots in the bath. Although I want to make it quirkier by using glitter.

Two contemporary dancers will dance against each other in the studio, a girl and a boy. Example -

This video is so cool withe dancing shots and I would love to do something like this, with dancers expressing the lust in the song with their routine.

I was thinking of having a set covered in mirrors and coloured lights to try and pull off this effect.

Music Idea 3

Lykke Li mixed by Kleerup's Until We Bleed is a very beautiful song. Once again it is very quirky. This song compared to my other choices is more of a dance song.

The Artist Vision?

I imagine the artist to be a band of four people, one girl and the rest boys. This will identify the girl as the singer. The will be styled in and indie rock look.


London Grammar!

This group make beautiful and cool music. They are very musically 
gifted and make a particular identifiable sound. 

This album cover portrays them to be very artistic, indie and 
'all about the music'. This is what my band would be marketed 

Music Video Vision?

I had inspiration for set design with an artist called Basenji.  I love the way they have the plants all around the studio set dripping with water. The pool of water that she is standing in is something I also think looks very visually interesting. This is what I want to take away from this. The water is perfect because of the noises in my song which sounds like water drops, this underlying pounding beat in my video idea can make the water ripple to the song. 
The whole band would surrounded by all the plants playing the music while the main girl stands in the middle singing in a spotlight. The idea of projections over lying them also is also quite interesting. 

For the secondary ideas for this project I want there to be a story of a boy and girl in different locations packing there stuff and running away to  be together. They will both be around seventeen-eighteen. They will both rush into studio built bedrooms to pack their case quickly. Throughout the journey she runs through a large forrest, he hitches lifts, they try everything in their power. One of my main visions is passing through a corn field. This whole story is connecting to the song because the lyrics speak of two people loving each other until they bleed.

The whole colour scheme for this video would be cold blues.