Tuesday 22 September 2015

Feedback from Pitch

  • The first bit of feedback given that the female was much more interesting. Yes we are going to use more on her, but I really still feel strongly about having a female character.
  • No point doing slow motion because there need to be a lot of movement. Possibly make his performance more animated or change the thought of using slow motion.
  • The guy seems slightly out of place although it is all about him, apparently the stuff with the female if much more interesting. Have him as a smaller element in the room.
  • Given the way we will have to shoot it, this means we will have to choreograph a dance, dancer will need this to use it continuously for continuity.Need to have a style and think it right through. Female might need to be a bigger element in the video. Also we need to find a pro dancer.
  • Loved the water floor. Use this and incorporate it in the dance.
  • The street is not going to look like the street we imagine. We may need to cut the idea of the street.
  • Good song choice. 
  • We need a third element, it is too short needs something more. Have a meeting and make more stuff.

What are we going to do?

  1. Develop the performance element. LUCAS
  2. We need to now consider what dance we are going to have, and what goes on in that room. KAI
  3. A third element/how to incorporate. GUSTAVO

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